瑞朗最新紫外线空气杀菌器 | 光碳空气净化器磁铁安装型 -pg电子最新网站入口

combined aluminum in navigating system and nano-photocatalysts technology, it is with more satisfied sterilization ability. also it can decompose benzene, aldehyde, alcohols and tvcs, without any toxic by-product.

  • introduction
  • parameters
  • advantages
multiple air purification with activated carbon, uv light and photocatalytic materials can effectively kill most bacteria & viruses, and remove formaldehyde, toluene and other harmful tvoc substances.

activated carbon material has a large amount of microporous, which can not be seen by naked eye, but can effectively adsorb various gaseous pollutants.
we use advanced process to integrate photocatalytic material tio2 into special made honeycomb module. each honeycomb module is filled with high quality activated carbon material to form a unique rectangular carbon array. tio2 is a powerful photocatalyst. it plays an active function of catalytic and degradation under uv radiation, and can ultimately decompose pollutants into co2 and h2o.

*material & specification are subject to change without prior notice in accordance with our continuous technical innovations. featured machines in photos may include additional equipment.
1、 active carbon oxidization technology
tio2 is a powerful photocatalyst. it can solve the problem of activated carbon adsorption saturation.
2、 strong sterilization ability
we entrust the national air conditioning equipment quality supervision and inspection center to check the equipment sterilization rate according to gb 21551.3-2010 and find out the equipment’s 1 hour sterilization rate reach up to 96.3%, which is much higher than national standard of 50% sterilization rate.
3、long lamp lifetime
we choose core lamp components from quality suppliers for quality assurance. the lamp’s continuous working lifetime reaches up to 9000 hours.it can be used for 3~5 years if used with 8h per day.
4、safe & reliable
we use high integrated circuit module with open circuit and short circuit protection to lower electrical failure rate greatly. our product uses high-performance anti-interference electronic ballast, which passed national mandatory product electromagnetic compatibility emc testing. the electronic ballast is equipped with work indicator lamp to timely monitor the running status of the core electrical components
5、flexible selection
our products are designed in modular. customers can choose different watt lamp or add product quantity for different air treatment capacity. product regular air treatment range is: 1000m3 / h-3000m3 / h.

yuzhong district minsheng road 235,
hainan airines poly international 34d
a professional brand focused on offering complete proposals of air and water cleaning, has advanced purification compounding technology of photochemical reaction and photophysics process and design capability from europe.
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