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as a member of iuva, it took part in developing of uv national standards gb28235-2011. it has obtained certification of national torch program. also it has won more than 70 patents and iso9001 certification.
constant innovation about the technology keeps us out of general group. we work on providing safety air and water by sustainable uv technology for you.
  • uv water disinfection
    different with chemical disinfection method, uvc can effectively kill microbes through physical method. when the bacteria, or virus, or protozoa is exposed under uvc, they could not reproduce neither infect people. the effectiveness is verified to kill pathogenic organisms, such as cholera, polio, typhia, hepatitides and other bacteria, viruses and parasitic diseases, etc. the inactivation rates of uvc for cryptosporidium and giardia has been demonstrated above 4log.
    using field
    water treatment for industry, public facilities, domestic water & secondary water-supply, desalination, aquaculture, landscape water.
  • reduce toc
    chlorination is one chemical disinfection method, among which produce harmful things to cause cancer, abnormality and mutation. furthermore, these byproducts can rust the structure of swimming pool. but with uv disinfection technology, there is no dbps. compared with chemical disinfection method, its disinfection rate is more effectively with more economic cost.
    using field
    swimming pool, industrial water disinfection, wastewater treatment, commercial water treatment.
  • reduce toc
    the 185nm uvc can arise photo dissociation of water to form free radical, which causes organic synthesis to form co2 and h2o.
    using field
    microelectronics, life science.
  • ozone oxidation
    there is always a residue in the water after the special sterilization for drinking water or industrial water by ozone for pipeline & distribution system. if you could treat the water by uvc, then the residual ozone could be turned to nontoxic oxygen.
    using field
    drinking water, industrial water
  • air purification by ovc
    the purification function of uvc could be used to eliminate the odor, volatile organic compounds, and air disinfection. the air purity is crucial for some institutes as hospitals, etc. with its disinfection function for microorganism in the air, uvc could be used to prevent some respiratory disease.
a professional brand focused on offering complete proposals of air and water cleaning, has advanced purification compounding technology of photochemical reaction and photophysics process and design capability from europe.
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